

    Internal Complaints' Cell (ICC)


    (earlier known as Women's Harassment Redressal Cell)



    Members of ICC, Bejoy Narayan Mahavidyalaya




    1. Dr. Shalmali Chakraborty   (Presiding Officer)


         Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemistry


         Email:  shalmali@bnmv.ac.inshalmalichakraborty@yahoo.com


         Contact:  9836251302




    2. Dr. Semanti Basu  (8918926131)


        Assistant Professor, Dept of chemistry



    3. Mr. Pranab Kirtunia  (9775170565)


        Assistant Professor, Dept of Philosophy



    4. Dr. Arindam Mondal  (8900305595)


         Assistant Professor, Department of Botany



    5. Mrs. Khukumani Talukdar  (6296982380)


      Assistant  Professor, Dept. Of Philosophy



    6. Smt Shampa Chatterjee  (7719362241)


        Non-teaching Member



    7.  Smt Mahua Huin


      Member, Panchayat Samiti




    Policy, guidelines and process details of Internal Complaints' Cell



    Zero-tolerance policy of ICC



    Report of Internal Complaints' Cell 2017-22




    Internal Complaints' Cell Activity details (Click here)



    Annual Gender Sensitization Plan (2023-24)


    Specific facilties for Women (2023-24)