Principal's Message:
Dear Students, Parents, Staff members and Well-wishers,
It fills me with great pride and honour to serve Bejoy Narayan Mahavidyalaya, Itachuna, one of the most renowned and age-old colleges in the district of Hooghly, as it keeps growing and allowing larger number of people to come under its ever-expanding field of action. Since its inception in July 1950. our institution has marched forward,met and overcome challenges, gaining strength and maturity in the process.From the very beginning the institutionset upon itselfthe missionof empowering of the rural and economically disadvantaged youth. Inspired by the ideals of man-making education advocated by Swami Vivekananda, it constantlystrives towards developing moral values and inculcating a sense of self-reliance amongthe students mostly coming from rural areas, and does soby involving the students in several programmes and practices carried out for the most part by the NCC and the NSS units of the college. NCC and NSS also work towardsdisseminating environmental awareness along with CANOPY, the nature club of the college.The Alumni Association of the college plays a vital role in organizing regular classes on value-education and ethics under the Integrated Personality Development (IPD) Programme which is being conducted for a long time in the college.
In the academic field, wefollow the curriculum prescribed by the affiliating University, the University of Burdwan, and, proactively take pains in helping the students to get exposed to cross-cutting issues as permitted by the curricular framework, including topics on professional skill development, gender equality, human values, environmental sustainabilityamong other things. Apart from relying on course curriculum, wealso arrange seminars andconferences to sensitize the students on these issues.In the last five years, our students and faculty members have participated in /organized 56 extension and outreach programmes, intended mostly to create an academic atmosphere in the college. We also see to it that the students benefit from such lectures and discussions, that they find resources to augment their knowledge and sharpen their skills, and at the same time get acquainted with the important social and cultural issues of the time so that they grow into responsible citizens.
Our journey towards quality upgradation and expansion is a never-ending process. In recent past we have introduced Biodiversity Education Centre and Language Laboratory in the college, and at the same time have taken initiative for introducing need-based, career-oriented courses like Defence Studies, Mass Communication and Physical Education.It is to be noted once again that all these initiatives are aimed at equipping our students with necessary skills and knowledge that would help them securing a job.
The college is proud to have awhole set of dedicated faculty members, with 84.28% full-time teachers against sanctioned posts. Furthermore, 77.3% of our full-time teachers possess NET/SET/SLET/Ph.D. degrees, ensuring expertise and quality education across disciplines. We believe in fostering experiential learning and student-centric approaches. This is reflected in our impressive pass percentage of 71.51 over the past five years. We also prioritize digital literacy, with a student-to-computer ratio of 39.64, ensuring access to technology for all. As part of our commitment to supporting our students, the college provides scholarships and financial assistance to 78.91% of students, through our institution, government bodies, and non-governmental organizations. We take pride in the fact that 21.86% of our students secure placements or progress to higher education, reflecting their readiness for entering the professional world. BNMV has embraced e-governance, streamlining administrative processes, finance and accounts, student admissions, support, and examinations (through ERP and Cloud computation). Moreover, we have collaborated with the Pandua Block administration to raise awareness about electoral literacy among the new voters. Our institution has proactively prepared for the implementation of NEP-2020, and we are committed to becoming a holistic multidisciplinary establishment, striving for excellence in all domains.
I extend my gratitude to the entire BNMV community for their unwavering support and dedication. Together, we will continue to make decisive strides towards realizing our ambitious plans and goals that will further propel Bejoy Narayan Mahavidyalaya to a new height in the days to come.
With warm regards,
Bejoy Narayan Mahavidyalaya
CV of Principal