Certificate Course on Spoken English
Bejoy Narayan Mahavidyalaya
Summary report of the Spoken English Certificate Course (6th April -18th May, 2022)
Specimen Certificates for the course on Spoken English
Report of the Certificate Course on Spoken English (held during 6th April - 18th May, 2022)
Letter to HoD (English), Bejoy Narayan Mahavidyalaya for initiating the Spoken English Course
Notice for students about the Spoken English course (2022)
Course Curriculum and Programme (Spoken English batch 1, 2022)
List of students selected for the Certificate Course on Spoken English (06.04.22-18.05.22)
Routine of the Spoken English Course (Batch 1, 2022)
Attendance report of Certificate Course on Spoken English (2022)
Course outcomes of the Certificate course on Spoken English
Communicative English classes taken during 2023-2024